
Fernando Martínez Plumed



Dr. Fernando Martínez Plumed is Project Officer & Scientific Researcher at the Joint Research Centre, European Commission. He participates as a lecturer on various postgraduate studies at the UPV, UIMP and edX.

Dr. Fernando Martínez Plumed is Project Officer & Scientific Researcher at the Joint Research Centre, European Commission. He is member of the DMIP team and the Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN) at the UPV. He received a B.Sc. degree in Computer Science (2009), M.Sc. degree in Software Engineering, Formal Methods and Information Systems (2010), a Post-Graduate Diploma in Engineering Business Management (2011) and a Ph.D in Computer Science (2016) from UPV.

His research and academic activities have covered different areas of AI and machine learning, including topics such as the evaluation and measurement of intelligence systems, (e.g., performance, progress and potential impact), AI fairness and safety, AutoML, XAI, Inductive Programming, etc. He has published over forty papers at top journals and conferences on the aforementioned topics, serving also in program committees of international conferences such as NeurIPS, ICLR, IJCAI, AAAI or ECAI. In terms of teaching, since 2011 he has lectured various subjects related to data science, machine learning, business intelligence, data mining and data visualization in bachelor’s and master’s at the UPV.

Asignaturas impartidas:

Grado en Ingeniería Informática (UPV):

  • Sistemas de Información Estratégica

Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Informática (UPV):

  • Data Science

Máster en Dirección de Empresas y Herramientas Tecnológicas de Gestión

  • Business Intelligence
  • BigData para Negocios

Máster Universitario en Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial (UIMP)

  • Ciencia de Datos y Aprendizaje Automático

Plataforma edX (https://www.edx.org/es/course/aprendizaje-automatico-y-ciencia-de-datos)

  • Aprendizaje Automático y Ciencia de Datos

En este título de postgrado:

  • Introducción al Business Intelligence
  • Visualización de datos médicos

Datos de contacto

Email: fmartinez@dsic.upv.es

Página personal (si tiene): https://nandomp.github.io/

Redes sociales como LindedIn, Twitter: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fmartinezplumed/